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Film Projects

These are film projects I've had the pleasure of working on, both in front of and behind the camera...

You know James Bond. You know Ian Fleming. But do you know the name Kevin McClory? This is the story of the man who wanted to be Bond and strived to present the Bond tale he wanted to tell—no matter the cost.

Directed by James W. Burns.

Featured: TV producer & author Mark A. Altman & author Sylvan Whittingham Mason.

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The emotional stories of the American military veterans residing at Regency Place in Northern California.

Directed by Scotty Fernandes.

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A demo reel of a few of my short film performances and monologues

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A former U.S. soldier struggles with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder during a therapy session and tries to discover purpose in his present life.
Directed by Ekapol Thomas Petborisooth

A still shot of me wearing a grey Army t-shirt and grey zip hoodie while seated, head cocked to the right.

Everyday American's are evicted from their homes. Today, one man says no.
Robert Donner isn't leaving without a fight.
Directed by
Rusty Moyher

Me crouched on the ground with blood on the left side of my face during a fight scene.
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